Servant Leadership

At Warburton Capital, we view ourselves as being in the service business. Our greatest aspiration is to help people, and Managing Principal Jonathan Hall exemplifies the firm’s dedication to servant leadership.

Jonathan’s community involvement efforts have expanded to include service to the youth of the entire state of Oklahoma. In late November, Governor Kevin Stitt appointed Jonathan to serve on the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth as the Commissioner Representing Business or Industry.

Read the full OCCY announcement here.

This prestigious appointment is a natural fit for Jonathan, who has presided over Tulsa’s Emergency Infant Services since 2014 and has served on the city’s Tax Oversight Committee since 2019. Jonathan begins his 2-year term as an OCCY Commissioner with years of experience supporting children’s services, as well as his in-depth knowledge of finance. His insight will help the commission continue to improve the lives of our children through the coordination of public and private resources and the development of strategic improvement plans at the community and state levels.

We’re proud of Jonathan’s continued service to our city and the youth of Oklahoma, and we’re not the only ones. On a recent Zoom call, a buddy called in to recognize Jonathan’s appointment and congratulate him, and I thought it would be a great idea to share the good news with those of you who weren’t on the call. Part of what we do on these calls is talk about how our colleagues live out their commitments to service, how we’re all doing personally and professionally, and how we can all continue to be a positive influence in today’s society.

Consider this your personal invitation to ‘Zoom In’ soon and often to connect with our phenomenal team and share your stories and concerns. I trust you are living your life well, maintaining social distance, and not worrying about your portfolio because you have a purposeful plan in place with a team that has your best interests at heart.

On Behalf of the Firm,

Tom Warburton

P.S. If you need more information about our Zoom check-in calls, email our team or call us at (918) 794-3000. Let’s chat!