Exciting Announcement: Blue Sky Bank!

Dear Friends,

I wanted you to be among the first to know about an exciting new development at our firm. We are proud to announce a new alliance with Blue Sky Bank, which has acquired a minority ownership interest in Warburton Capital Management!

Founded in 1905, Blue Sky Bank has $225 Million in assets and offices in Tulsa’s Midtown & East Village, Pawhuska and Cleveland.

Speaking for myself and for my colleagues at the firm, we believe that this new alliance is great news for our clients; we are excited to be able to introduce Blue Sky Bank as an allied partner to clients who are looking for banking solutions and local, responsive, and creative lenders.

The best part about this news is that we will be able to add additional value to our clients while continuing to serve as Independent, Fee-Only, Fiduciary Advisors. We will not be receiving any referral fees or other forms of compensation from the bank. Nothing about our investment methodology or client investment accounts have changed.

I believe that this new partnership reinforces Warburton Capital’s position as a leader in Financial Services in our region and cements our status as an Institution that will be helping our clients achieve their wealth management goals for many, many years to come.

Click Here to find a Press Release with additional information that will soon be published in the Tulsa World!

Wishing you the best as you pursue all that is important to you, I remain

Yours truly,

Jonathan Hall, CFP®

Chief Operating Officer

Warburton Capital Management